Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 19

I am cranky today. I haven't had many cranky days on this trip but this was one of them. I started to list all the things that made me vranky but that is unhelpful, so i deleted them.

We are in the lobby of our hostel. Its crowded but surprisingly quiet. Which is nice. Also Hannah just did something really nice for me and that was nice too. I think were in for the night. Its really cold today. We weren't quite prepared for it. And we couldn't find a lot of stuff to do, at least not without spending a lot of money. Its 8:30. Whichbisnt really too early to be done for the day because we have to be all packed up and ready to go by like 8am tomorrow. We have our Mad Max tour to some henges and some lovely quaint towns and then a quick exit out of town and back to Susan's. We hope quick. We'll see I guess. I hope it's warmer tomorrow, and i especially hope less pouring rain. It really came down at several points today.

One week from now we'll be on a plane home. You know I want to see Rome but we are so ready. We are worn out. At least we won't be cold in Rome. We might be too hot and sweaty but it seems like a nice change.

Wow. A giant group of maybe 20 teen agers just showed up. I think that's my cue to go to my room!

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